BMW X5 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW X5: Opening and closing


 General information - Vehicle key

General information Depending on the equipment version, the scope of delivery includes two vehicle keys or one vehicle key and the BMW display key. Each vehicle key contains a replaceable battery. D

 Tailgate - Vehicle key

Tailgate General information To avoid locking the vehicle key in the vehicle, do not place the vehicle key in the cargo area. The following settings are available for the operation of the tailgate wi

 General information - BMW display key

General information Thescope of delivery of the BMW display key includes an additional mechanical key. If the display key is used, the mechanical key should be carried with you, for instance in the wa


 Fuel Volume Testing

Some driveability concerns are related to incorrect fuel volume. Vehicles with lack of power complaints and mixture related fault codes may have insufficient fuel volume supplied to the fuel injection system. These vehicles may actually pass a fuel pressure test. Fuel volume issues can be caused

 Replacing Left Engine Carrier (Partial Replacement Before Front Axle)

Read contents of Body, General. Remove or cover those vehicle components in the repair area which are susceptible to heat or dust. Use only approved spot-welding apparatus for repairs. Place vehicle on straightening bench. Necessary preliminary tasks: Replace left support carrier. Following

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