BMW X5 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW X5: Tailgate

General information

To avoid locking the vehicle key in the vehicle, do not place the vehicle key in the cargo area.

Depending on the vehicle equipment and country version, it is possible to specify whether the tailgate can be unlocked with the vehicle key and how the vehicle doors will respond to this.

The tailgate consists of the upper and the lower tailgate. The lower tailgate opens downward to make loading the cargo area easier.

Selector lever position P must be engaged to open the tailgate with the vehicle key.

The following settings are available for the operation of the tailgate:

Safety information


Body parts can be jammed when operating the tailgate. There is a risk of injury. Make sure that the area of movement of the tailgate is clear during opening and closing.


The tailgate pivots out when it opens. There is a risk of injury or risk of damage to property.

Make sure that the area of movement of the tailgate is clear during opening and closing.


Foreign objects, such as sand or icing, between the bumper and tailgate may cause damage when operating the lower tailgate. There is a risk of damage to property, among other potential damage. If necessary, remove foreign objects from the bumper and the lower tailgate before operating the lower tailgate.


Sharp-edged or pointed objects can hit the windows and heat conductors while driving.

There is a risk of damage to property, among other potential damage. Cover the edges and ensure that pointed objects do not hit the windows.


Manual operation of the tailgate in the wrong sequence can damage the tailgate. There is a risk of damage to property, among other potential damage. Close the lower tailgate first before closing the upper tailgate manually.


 Upper tailgate - Tailgate

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