Special tools required:
32 1 27032 1 270 PLUGS (SET)
Necessary preliminary tasks:
Remove expansion tank.
Read and comply with General Information.
After completing tasks, bleed brake system wit
Activating the voice control
General information
There are various methods for activating the
voice control feature:
Press the button on the steering
The microphone on the driver's side is active.
Say the wake word ›Hello BMW‹ or a personal
wake word.
The microphones on the
IMPORTANT: Use only the approved transmission fluid.
Failure to comply with this requirement will result in serious damage
to the
automatic transmission!
Tighten down filler plug using
1. Hexagon wrench 8 A/F.
2. Torque wrench.
3. Socket 8 A/F.
Fig. 1: Hexagon Wrench 8 A/F