BMW X5 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW X5: Engine Wiring Loom


Special tools required:

IMPORTANT: Read and comply with notes on protection against electrostatic damage (ESD protection)!

Necessary preliminary tasks:

Unclip Bowden cable for engine bonnet/hood actuator from transverse reinforcement (1).

Release screws on left and right sides. Tightening torque 51 71 4AZ.

Remove cross-brace (1).

Lever out expander rivet.

Remove gasket (1).

Feed out partition (3) and remove.

Engine Wiring Loom
Fig. 63: Detaching Electronics Box Cover From Fixture

Lever out expander rivet.

Release locks in direction of arrow.

Feed out fresh air duct (1) and remove.

Engine Wiring Loom
Fig. 64: Identifying Plug Connections

  1. Air conditioner compressor
  2. Oil-pressure switch
  3. VANOS solenoid valves 1-4
  4. Knock sensor, right and actuator
  5. Throttle-valve actuator
  6. Air-mass sensor
  7. Tank venting valve
  8. Plug connection BSD alternator
  9. VANOS solenoid valves 5-8
  10. Coolant temperature sensor
  11. Map thermostat

Open retainers.

Release lock (1) in direction of arrow.

Remove cover (2).

Engine Wiring Loom
Fig. 65: Identifying Plug Connections

  1. Exhaust camshaft sensor
  2. VVT sensor (5 to 8)
  3. Inlet camshaft sensor
  4. Injection wiring harness (5 to 8)
  5. VVT servodrive (5 to 8)
  6. Release screws.
  7. VVT servodrive (1 to 4)
  8. Injection wiring harness (1 to 4)
  9. Inlet camshaft sensor
  10. Exhaust camshaft sensor
  11. VVT sensor (1 to 4)
  12. Differential pressure sensor
  13. DISA gear

Release screws and remove retaining bar (1).

Unlock upper section (2) of partition seal in direction of arrow and remove.

Release grommets (3) for wiring harnesses from lower section of partition seal and from electronics box.


Make sure grommets are correctly seated (watertightness).

Engine Wiring Loom
Fig. 66: Identifying Plug Connections

  1. Automatic transmission
  2. Not used
  3. Monitor sensor, left and right
  4. Term. 50 starter motor
  5. Crankshaft sensor
  6. Oil level sensor
  7. Control sensors (oxygen sensors)

Raise control unit (2) slightly.

Unlock plugs (1) using slide in direction of arrow and remove.

Engine Wiring Loom
Fig. 67: Identifying Plug Connections

Long plug:

Unlock plug on control unit and disconnect.

Unlock tab (1), pull contact carrier (2) in direction of arrow out of housing.

Short plug:

Unlock slide (2) in bore holes (1) and pull out of housing.

Unlock tab (3), pull contact carrier (4) in direction of arrow out of housing.

Unlock and disconnect all plug connections of engine wiring harness section in electronics box.

Unlock tabs (1) and pull contact carrier (2) out of housing.


Engine Wiring Loom

Engine Wiring Loom

Unlock and disconnect plug (1) by turning.

Release wiring harness from holders.

Insert special tool 24 2 390 in sealing sleeve.

These tasks are described in Notes on mechatronics.

(Important: Observe important note)

NOTE: Check stored fault messages.

Now clear the fault memory.


IMPORTANT: Aluminum-magnesium materials.

No steel screws/bolts may be used due to the threat of electrochemical corrosion.

A magnesium crankcase requires aluminum screws/bolts exclusively.

Aluminum screws/bolts must be replaced each time they are released.

The end faces of aluminum screws/bolts are painted blue for the purposes of reliable identification.

Jointing torque and angle of rotation must be observed without fail (risk of damage).

IMPORTANT: Read and comply with notes on protection against electrostatic damage (ESD protection).

Necessary preliminary tasks:

Release screws and remove retaining bar (1).

Unlock upper section (2) of partition seal in direction of arrow and remove.

Release grommets (3) for wiring harnesses from lower section of partition seal and from electronics box.


Make sure grommets are correctly seated (watertightness).

Engine Wiring Loom
Fig. 68: Locating Ignition Coil Covers Screws And Holder

Unlock tab (1), pull contact carrier (2) in direction of arrow out of housing.

Unlock and disconnect all plug connections of ignition coil wiring harness section in electronics box.

Press locking tabs (1) in direction of arrow and pull contact carrier (2) out of housing.

Engine Wiring Loom
Fig. 69: Locating Grounding Cable And Screws

Press locking tab (1) in direction of arrow and pull contact carrier (2) out of housing.


Engine Wiring Loom

NOTE: Check stored fault messages.

Now clear the fault memory.


 Oil Pressure, Oil Tempe

REMOVING AND INSTALLING/REPLACING OIL PRESSURE SENSOR (N52, N52K, N51, N54, N53) Necessary preliminary tasks: Switch off ignition N52, N52K, N51, N53 only: Remove ignition coil cover. N54 on

 General Electrical System



 Workshop Hints On Cylinder Leakage Testing

When performing cylinder leakage tests, the following tips might be helpful: Remove all spark plugs to allow easier rotation of the engine. (If this test is done after a compression test, the plugs should already be out). Perform the leakage test on all cylinders, not just the problem cylinder.

 Crankshaft With Bearings

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