BMW X5 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW X5: Exhaust System (V8)


 Exhaust System, Complete

REMOVING AND INSTALLING COMPLETE EXHAUST SYSTEM (N62TU) Special tools required: 31 2 220 WARNING: Scalding hazard! Only perform this work after engine has cooled down. Danger of injury! Removal of


REPLACING REAR MUFFLER (N62TU) Special tools required: 00 2 210 31 2 220 WARNING: Scalding hazard! Only perform these tasks after exhaust system has cooled down. Support exhaust system with specia

 Exhaust Manifold

REMOVING AND INSTALLING/REPLACING RIGHT EXHAUST MANIFOLD (N62TU) Necessary preliminary tasks: Remove exhaust system. Remove right control sensor. Remove right monitor sensor. Remove right engine


 Assembly Wedges (Set In Plastic Case)

Minimum set: Mechanical tools Note: For straightening and assembly jobs on vehicle bodies, e.g. fitting trim panels, removing window weatherstrips, repairing small-scale dents, removing residual adhesive materials, measuring gap widths, levering out trim panel parts Series: E12, E21, E23, E24, E28

 Fuel System Testing

Fuel systems need to be checked for proper fuel pressure as well as sufficient volume. When diagnosing fuel system complaints, you must take into account the type of fuel system and how the fuel is delivered to the engine. Malfunctions in the fuel system can cause driveability complaints which in

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