Using the Cruise Control, a desired speed and a distance to a vehicle ahead can be adjusted using the buttons on the steering wheel.
General information
The system maintains the set speed on clear roads. The vehicle accelerates or brakes automatically.
If a vehicle is driving ahead of you, the system adjusts the speed of your vehicle so that the set distance to the vehicle ahead is maintained. The speed is adjusted as far as the given situation allows.
The distance can be adjusted in several steps.
For safety reasons, it depends on the respective speed.
If the vehicle ahead of you brakes to a halt, and then proceeds to drive again within a brief period, the system is able to detect this within the given system limits.
Depending on the vehicle setting, the cruise control settings may change under certain conditions.
For instance, acceleration can change depending on the driving mode.
Safety information
The system cannot serve as a substitute for the driver's personal judgment in assessing the traffic situation. Based on the limits of the system, it cannot independently react to all traffic situations. There is a risk of accident. Adjust driving style to traffic conditions. Watch traffic closely and actively intervene where appropriate.
An unsecured vehicle can begin to move and possibly roll away. There is a risk of accident.
Before exiting, secure the vehicle against rolling.
In order to ensure that the vehicle is secured against rolling away, follow the following:
The set speed can be incorrectly adjusted or called up by mistake. There is a risk of accident.
Adjust the set speed to the traffic conditions.
Watch traffic closely and actively intervene where appropriate.
Risk of accident due to too high speed differences to other vehicles, for instance in the following situations:
There is a risk of injury or danger to life. Watch traffic closely and actively intervene where appropriate.
Buttons on the steering wheel
With steering and traffic jam
Cruise control on/off.
With steering and traffic jam
Select function.
Without steering and traffic jam
Cruise control on/off.
Store current speed.
Speed Limit Assistant: accept suggested speed manually.
With steering and traffic jam
Pause cruise control.
Continue cruise control with the last setting.
Without steering and traffic jam
Continue cruise control with the last
Without steering and traffic jam
Pause cruise control.
Increase the distance.
Switch distance control on/off.
Reduce distance.
Switch distance control on/off.
Rocker switch:
Set speed.
The system is controlled by the following sensors:
Additional information: Sensors of the vehicle.
Application range
The system is best used on well-constructed roads.
The minimum speed that can be set is 20 mph/30 km/h.
The maximum speed that can be set is limited and, e.g., depends on the vehicle and the vehicle equipment.
The system can also be activated when stationary.