BMW X5 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW X5: Frame Alignment Control Dimensions, Body

BMW X5 (G05) 2019-2025 Service & Repair Manual / Body / Frame Alignment Control Dimensions, Body

Dimensions in mm.

Measurement tolerances:

The control points shown serve to check the body and the straightening attachment.

The specified dimensions/measurements always refer to the centerpoint of the bore/screw.

Underbody view 1

Fig. 1: Identifying Underbody View 1 Dimensions

Underbody view 2

Fig. 2: Identifying Underbody View 2 Dimensions

Top view, front end

Fig. 3: Identifying Top View, Front End Dimensions

The specified dimensions refer to removed assemblies.

View, B-pillar

Fig. 4: View Of B-Pillar

Measurement a=1659 mm between upper screw-on points of door retainers.


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