BMW X5 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW X5: Tires


 Replacing A Tire

Refer to the operating manual of the relevant fitting equipment manufacturer for details on how to fit the tire correctly. However, it is essential to make sure that the equipment is in proper worki

 Replacing A Runflat Tire

Special tools required: 36 1 091 36 1 092 36 1 093 36 1 094 36 1 095 36 1 098 Follow the fitting machine manufacturer's operating instructions. It is absolutely essential to ensure that the e

 System Wiring Diagrams

ANTI-THEFT Fig. 1: Access/Start Circuit (1 of 3) Fig. 2: Access/Start Circuit (2 of 3) Fig. 3: Access/Start Circuit (3 of 3) Fig. 4: Anti-theft & Central Locking Circuit (1 of 2) Fig. 5: Anti


 Refrigeration Oil

OIL USED IN FREON-CHARGED SYSTEMS A mineral-based oil is used. The oil level in the compressor must be checked before filling an air conditioner with refrigerant. It can be checked only if the system is without refrigerant. Always check the oil level each time a new system is filled with Freon R12

 Adjusting Camshaft Timing On Left Side (N62/N62TU)

Special tools required: 11 9 190 11 9 460 11 9 461 11 9 462 11 9 463 (cylinder bank 5 to 8) Necessary preliminary tasks: Check camshaft timing on left side. Remove left timing case cover. NOTE: When slackening screws, grip camshafts at hexagon head. Slacken screws of exhaust and inlet ad

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