BMW X5 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW X5: Pump Assembly With Connector


 Replacing Lower Vent Line

IMPORTANT: Risk of damage! Extreme cleanliness must be ensured in the connection area of the vent lines during removal and installation. Even the smallest of dirt particles can cause leakage in the a

 Removing And Installing/Replacing Dynamic Drive Valve Block

Special tools required: 13 5 020 37 1 151 37 1 152 WARNING: Danger of poisoning if oil is ingested/absorbed through the skin! Risk of injury if oil comes into contact with eyes and skin! IMPORT

 Replacing Air Supply Unit (Version With Dynamic Drive)

WARNING: Danger of injury! Drain the air spring system before carrying out any work on the air supply unit, air pipes and air springs! Danger of injury if this instruction is not complied with! Risk o


 Removing And Installing/Sealing Right Cylinder Head Cover (N62/N62TU)

(cylinder bank 1 to 4) Remove design cover, if equipped. Unfasten acoustic cover screws. Raise acoustic cover and remove towards front. Remove electronics box cover. Remove electronics box seal. These work steps are described in REPLACING CONTROL UNIT. Remove ignition coil cover. Remove intake

 Replacing Rear Left Outer Wheel Arch Section (Rear Left Side Panel Removed)

Read contents of Body, General. Spot-weld bonding is used on this vehicle. Observe specific procedure. Remove or cover those vehicle components in the repair area which are susceptible to heat or dust. Use only approved spot-welding apparatus for repairs! Following new body parts are required: R

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